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來源:http://www.tukouzhao.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:2020-09-21 瀏覽量:0

  Industrial endoscope is a new high-tech product designed and produced according to the inspection requirements for the inner surface of straight pipes in petrochemical industry, industrial machinery, electronic and electrical industry, aerospace and other industries. It integrates optical, mechanical, electrical and image processing software.
  The industrial endoscope inspection instrument is equipped with a high-resolution color monitor or a pen computer with USB port. It is more convenient to carry and observe the image more clearly. The operator can use the high-power clear color CCD to freeze, enlarge, analyze, measure and print the report with the help of the unique professional software processing system, which greatly improves the judgment of the pipeline inner wall flaw detection department Bit accuracy.
  總的來說工業(yè)用內(nèi)窺鏡檢測在各個行業(yè)中應(yīng)用非常的廣泛,涉及到機(jī)械、化工、汽車制造、航空航天、鐵路工程車輛、和運(yùn)輸車輛的開發(fā)制造,維護(hù)檢修等不同的領(lǐng)域,甚在工程的基建過程,如橋梁和隧道的建造,維修中也能找到工業(yè)用內(nèi)窺鏡的應(yīng)用。隨著制造技術(shù)和工業(yè)裝備技術(shù)的日益進(jìn)步,對產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的要求更加的嚴(yán)格,工業(yè)用內(nèi)窺鏡必將在不同的行業(yè)發(fā)揮著更大的作用 !
  Generally speaking, industrial endoscope detection is widely used in various industries, involving the development, manufacturing, maintenance and repair of machinery, chemical industry, automobile manufacturing, aerospace, railway engineering vehicles, and transportation vehicles. Even in the construction process of the project, such as the construction of bridges and tunnels, the application of industrial endoscope can be found in the maintenance. With the increasing progress of manufacturing technology and industrial equipment technology, the requirements for product quality are more stringent, industrial endoscope will play a greater role in different industries!
  • 公司公司:匠仁醫(yī)療設(shè)備有限公司
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療山東濟(jì)南維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:樊經(jīng)理
  • 電話:13153199508
  • 地址:山東省濟(jì)南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園6號樓101-2室
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療湖南長沙維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:李經(jīng)理
  • 電話:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動?xùn)|路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室

樊經(jīng)理:13153199508     李經(jīng)理:13873135765

公司地址:山東省濟(jì)南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園6號樓101-2室  湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動?xùn)|路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室


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